Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

I hope all of you are having a most wonderful spring break so far.
Below you will find the assignment for Packet #7 (5 items), due to be completed by Wednesday, April 3rd, the day we return to class. The overall topic is immigration, which rears its head in Breaking Bad, but not too obviously until later in the series. However, it IS a significant issue to study--its history and its rhetoric.

PACKET #6 (due to be viewed and/or read by Wednesday, April 3)

1.  http://www.myimmigrationstory.com/WYSO%2090%20SEC.mp3
(under two minute audio)

2. "Illegal Immigrant Deaths Set Record"

3.  "Obama's Immigration Policy--What it Means"

4. "Could you Pass a U.S. Citizenship Test?
(Please take this on line test and be prepared to discuss the "results" in class.)

5. "Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration"


  1. oops. At least I had it correct in one out of two places! Thanks for the note, Carisa! :)

  2. professor Fraga i opened link #4 but no online citizenship test popped up.

  3. Michael, try it again. I just double checked and it worked for me. :) If you still have problems, email me and I will send the link that way. Or you can simply google United States Citizenship Test and should be able to locate it that way.
